1.中国中医科学院广安门医院风湿科(北京 100053)
巩勋,副主任医师,硕士研究生导师; E-mail:gongxun8269@163.com
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MA Xieli,JIANG Quan,YANG Yuchen,et al.Based on theory of “collateral disease⁃host⁃guest interaction” to treat connective tissue⁃associated interstitial lung disease[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2023,57(9):54-57.
马协丽,姜泉,杨煜辰,等.基于“络病⁃主客交”理论辨治结缔组织疾病相关间质性肺病[J].上海中医药杂志,2023,57(9):54-57. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2023.2305068.
MA Xieli,JIANG Quan,YANG Yuchen,et al.Based on theory of “collateral disease⁃host⁃guest interaction” to treat connective tissue⁃associated interstitial lung disease[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2023,57(9):54-57. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2023.2305068.
This paper expounds the importance of the theory of “collateral disease-host-guest interaction” in the pathogenesis of connective tissue disease-interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD) in traditional Chinese medicine. On this basis, it is proposed that obstruction of the lung and collaterals is the core pathogenesis of CTD-ILD, deficiency of the lung and collaterals is the basis of the pathogenesis of CTD-ILD, and damage of the lung and collaterals is the initial factor of CTD-ILD, and the block of phlegm and blood stasis and toxin is throughout. In addition, the basic treatment principles of “cleaning the guests” through the lung and collaterals and “protecting the master” reinforcing the lung and collaterals of CTD-ILD after a long illness are used in combination, which provides theoretical basis and diagnosis and treatment ideas for the clinical differentiation and treatment of CTD-ILD.
connective tissue diseasesinterstitial lung diseasecollateral diseasehost-guest interactionetiology and pathogenesistraditional Chinese medicine therapy
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