1.上海中医药大学附属曙光医院肝病研究所(上海 201203)
2.上海市宝山区中西医结合医院消化科(上海 201999)
刘成海,主任医师,教授,博士研究生导师; E-mail: chenghailiu@hotmail.com
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QI Jingshu,WANG Yu,LIU Chenghai.Practical application and development of activating blood and resolving stasis treatment method for liver cirrhosis[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2023,57(8):27-32.
齐婧姝,王宇,刘成海.活血化瘀法在肝硬化中医药治疗中的实践应用与发展[J].上海中医药杂志,2023,57(8):27-32. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2023.2305030.
QI Jingshu,WANG Yu,LIU Chenghai.Practical application and development of activating blood and resolving stasis treatment method for liver cirrhosis[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2023,57(8):27-32. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2023.2305030.
This article states that blood stasis is the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis, and explains the theoretical basis and practical application of the blood-activating and stasis-resolving method in the treatment of liver cirrhosis from the perspective of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Focusing on the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) pathogenesis as well as syndromes and treatment of liver cirrhosis, we first compare the similarities and differences in the concepts of liver between the two medical systems, and hold that the liver microcirculatory system is termed as “Gan Luo” (liver collaterals) in TCM, which help to maintain the physiological homeostasis of the liver; and that the microcirculatory disorder (or stasis and obstruction in “liver collaterals”) is the core pathology(pathogenesis) of liver cirrhosis. As has been proved in TCM classical literature, experience of famous TCM doctors in modern times and contemporary evidence-based medical evaluation, blood-activating and stasis-removing method is an important TCM treatment method for liver cirrhosis. However, it should be applied flexibly according to the different effects of herbs for activating blood and resolving stasis and different stages of the disease, and attention should also be paid to appropriate coordination with other treatment methods in the real practice. Finally, we propose that improving liver microcirculation is a pivot pharmacological basis and therapeutic strategy for the treatment of liver cirrhosis with blood-activating and stasis-resolving herbs to eliminate stasis and generate new blood.
liver cirrhosisactivating blood and resolving stasis methodliver collateralhepatic microcirculationtraditional Chinese herbal medicineintegrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine
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