
Instructions for Reviewers 

1. For reviewers, please visit the official website of Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shanghai J Tradit Chin Med) and click on “Expert Reviewer” to log in the system.

2. When logging in for the first time, please promptly change your log-in password and update your personal information (institution, contact number, E-mail, and expertise, etc.). If you forget your password, you can retrieve it by email. If you have previously registered as an author, the system will merge two accounts after you register to be a reviewer, and you can use your reviewer account to submit your manuscript.

3. After logging in the system, your home page will present the manuscripts to be reviewed, and the manuscripts you have reviewed and other information. When you click on a to-be-reviewed manuscript, you will find all the details of the manuscript, a word file and relevant attachments. You can accept or decline the review invitation, or recommend another reviewer.

4. Before reviewing, please fully read and understand the content of “Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers”, which can be found through the link of “Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines” on our website.

5. Reviewers should assess the scientific reliability, significance, innovation and practicality of the manuscript to determine the publication value. To be specific, reviewers mainly check these following aspects before presenting an overall assessment and specific revision comments: (a) Whether the research embodies innovation of the field or significant application value, (b) Whether the research has sufficient experimental evidence or analysis to support the conclusions of the article, and (c) Whether the research involves any ethical issues.

6. Reviewers are required to submit their review comments online, or they can download the word file of that to-be-reviewed manuscript and upload their annotated version as a supplement.

7. Reviewers will be paid for their review work. We will release a list of reviewers who supported our work in the previous year on our Journal’s website at the end of each year to express our gratitude. Aperiodically, excellent reviewers will be recognized and praised for their outstanding performance.