上海中医药大学附属市中医医院(上海 200071)
Published:10 February 2025,
Received:29 January 2024,
LIU ZHICHAO, CHEN WEIWEI. Research progress in application of traditional Chinese medicine fitness techniques for mind⁃body treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. [J]. Shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine, 2025, 59(2): 86-92.
LIU ZHICHAO, CHEN WEIWEI. Research progress in application of traditional Chinese medicine fitness techniques for mind⁃body treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. [J]. Shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine, 2025, 59(2): 86-92. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2025.2401142.
The article summarized the research progress of traditional Chinese medicine fitness techniques in treating ankylosing spondylitis from both mind and body perspectives. Taijiquan has harmonious rhythmic movements and balances yin and yang. Baduanjin integrates eight styles, helps the body and mind to work together. Wuqinxi mimics animals and moves with the mind. Yijinjing purifies the tendons and transforms the marrow, forging the body and refining the spirit. Long-term adherence to traditional gongfu exercises by ankylosing spondylitis patients can increase muscle strength, reduce bone loss, relieve pain, improve balance and coordination, and promote mental health.
ankylosing spondylitistraditional Chinese medicine fitness techniquesTaijiquanBaduanjinWuqinxiYijinjingnondrug therapyresearch progress
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