HUANG Siyao,LIU Renghai,LIU Wei.Ancient and contemporary textual and key informations analysis and examination of classic famous formula Shaoyao Tang[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2024,58(10):26-34.
HUANG Siyao,LIU Renghai,LIU Wei.Ancient and contemporary textual and key informations analysis and examination of classic famous formula Shaoyao Tang[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2024,58(10):26-34. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2024.z20240508005.
Ancient and contemporary textual and key informations analysis and examination of classic famous formula Shaoyao Tang
芍药汤来源于金代刘完素《素问病机气宜保命集》,被收录于国家中医药管理局公布的《古代经典名方目录(第二批)——汉族医药》,由芍药(白芍)、当归、黄连、槟榔、木香、甘草、大黄、黄芩、官桂(肉桂)9味中药组成。研究运用文献计量学方法,从历史源流、处方组成与剂量、药物基原与炮制、煎服法、功效主治、现代临床应用等方面对经典名方芍药汤进行考证与分析。经筛选,研究纳入明确记载芍药汤药物组成的古籍处方信息51条(其中38条有完整剂量和煎服法信息),纳入以芍药汤治疗疾病的现代临床研究228条。经梳理与分析,建议芍药汤折算后的现代剂量为每剂20.65 g,其中白芍5.82 g,当归、黄连、黄芩各2.91 g,大黄1.75 g,槟榔、木香、甘草各1.16 g,肉桂0.87 g ,粉碎为粗粒,以水600 mL煎煮至300 mL,去药渣,饭后温服,每日3剂。芍药汤功善清热利湿、调气和血,是治疗湿热痢疾的经典中药处方。现代临床常被用于治疗溃疡性结肠炎、细菌性痢疾、放射性直肠损伤等肠道疾病。
Shaoyao Tang was first documented by Jin dynasty scholar Liu Wansu in his work,
Suwen Bingji Qiyi Baoming Ji
Collection on the Essential Questions of Disease Mechanisms and Qi Management for Preserving Life
), and it is also listed in the
Catalogue of Ancient Classic Formulas (Second Batch) - Han Chinese Medicine
, published by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shaoyao Tang is composed of nine traditional Chinese medicinal herbs: Baishao (Paeoniae Radix Alba), Danggui (Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Huanglian (Coptidis Rhizoma), Binglang (Arecae Semen), Muxiang (Aucklandiae Radix), Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma), Dahuang (Rhei Radix et Rhizoma), Huangqin (Scutellariae Radix), and Guangui (Cinnamomi Cortex). The study employed bibliometric methods to examine and analyze the classical formula Shaoyao Tang from various aspects, including historical origin, prescription composition and dosage, medicinal basis and processing, decoction and administration method, therapeutic efficacy and primary indications, and modern clinical applications. After screening, the study included 51 ancient prescriptions that clearly documented the composition of Shaoyao Tang, 38 of which contained complete information on dosages ,decoction and administration methods. Additionally, 228 modern clinical studies on the use of Shaoyao Tang for treating diseases were incorporated into the research. Upon thorough analysis, the study recommends a modern dosage of Shaoyao Tang at 20.65 g per dose, consisting of 5.82 g of Baishao, 2.91 g each of Danggui, Huanglian, Huangqin, 1.75 g of Dahuang, 1.16 g each of Binglang, Muxiang, Gancao, and 0.87 g of Rougui. These he
rbs are to be coarsely ground and decocted with 600 mL of water until reduced to 300 mL. After removing the residue, the decoction should be taken warm after meals, three times a day. Shaoyao Tang is effective in clearing heat, promoting diuresis, regulating qi, and harmonizing blood. It is a classic traditional Chinese medicine prescription for treating damp-heat dysentery. In modern clinical practice, it is frequently used to treat gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis, bacterial dysentery, and radiation-induced rectal damage.
classic famous formulaShaoyao Tangliterature researchclinical applicationtherapeutic efficacy and primary indicationstraditional Chinese herbal medicine research