1.上海中医药大学附属龙华医院(上海 200032)
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LIU Yishu,DING Nan,ZHANG Tianjiao,et al.Research progress on mechanism of activating blood and removing stasis of Danhong Injection and its interaction with common anticoagulants[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2023,57(10):68-75.
刘一枢,丁楠,张天娇,等.丹红注射液活血化瘀的机制及其与常用抗凝药的相互作用研究进展[J].上海中医药杂志,2023,57(10):68-75. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2023.2212068.
LIU Yishu,DING Nan,ZHANG Tianjiao,et al.Research progress on mechanism of activating blood and removing stasis of Danhong Injection and its interaction with common anticoagulants[J].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2023,57(10):68-75. DOI: 10.16305/j.1007-1334.2023.2212068.
This paper reviewed the research progress on the mechanism of activating blood and removing stasis of Danhong Injection and its interaction with commonly used anticoagulants. Danhong Injection mainly plays the role of activating blood and removing stasis from the aspects of inhibiting platelet aggregation and activation, affecting the secretion of coagulation factors in endogenous and exogenous coagulation pathways, improving hemorheology indicators, anti-inflammatory reaction, affecting vascular endothelial cells, and so on. Through the effect on the activity of cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzyme, it suggests the potential drug interaction and its mechanism after combined with common anticoagulants. The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for the rational use of Danhong Injection and its combination with other drugs.
blood stasis syndromeDanhong Injectionactivating blood and removing stasisanticoagulation treatmentdrug interactionresearch progress
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